Saturday, June 20, 2009

Finally!! ^^

Yipee!!! Finally....after so many months of "sufferings" and "endurance" in my A Lvls at MCKL, which not completely academic factor, i finally end my misery life d.. Done the final paper of Law 2 at Friday.. that was a disaster..hah..forget bout that... after that, my heart feels as if soaring in sky and my imagination resume to its boundless limit..finally...I don't have even the slightest feel of sadness for leaving MCKL..won't miss it too... due to the fact that there was no things there which worth missing.. XD Evie knows suposed to go ICOM after A Lvls study contemperory music...but due to the extremely high cost, there was not much hope...haha.. Things will settle itself just enjoy my holiday ^^

Yay!! Birthday will be few days more...I will be 19 years old!!! Need to have bigger dreams and desire!!! Gogogo!!! So ya, update again soon!!

*signing off*

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