Sunday, May 23, 2010

New Post After Sooooooo Long Time!!

Just a short upgrade of this long-abandoned service. . .

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Okay!! So Penguin Fridge will be back online (I guess, I hope so)...perhaps for awhile...bah! who cares as long as there is something to read here...

Anyway, for an upgrade on the current status. . .

Currently in UCSI 1st year degree 2nd sem doing Contemporary Music.

Taking contemporary piano as major (Jazz and some other cool stuff)

Contemporary vocal as minor (wana continue after took that 1st sem, but due to limited credit hours I took the contemporary violin instead) So currently learning the violin. Inspired to be a pro violinist.

Frustrated...wana learn drums and guitar so badly (Inspired by lots and lots of J-Pop) Sick of the "norm" in Uni band. Either they just imitate the original song, or they just bang the hell out, making noises than music. I'm SOOOO wana drum my own beat since long ago. I believe I got a strong sense of beat. Well, see how la...Wana master those 2 by next year (Xp wana show off ma) But I know I don't have time to do so cause I will be taking my Classical Piano Diploma Licentiate end of the year. Even preparing for that is kinda rush for me already. Wish me Luck guys.

Other than that...I got my fix internet line at home already (Yay!!)

And I miss watching anime since didnt subscribe Animax, and Uni friends don't wtch animes, I've been cut out from any animes lately.... (Even anime song download sites I used to visit almost everyday last time, already been forgotten...sad la) So suggest some nice ones for me la guys!!

Oh and yea!! Evie and I will be having our 3rd Anvsry together this coming Tuesday!! ^^ Bless us guys =D I really love her
Due to Uni and College classes on Tuesday, we will be celebrating today instead, which will be few hours later (Damn!! Now already 4.20 me should be sleeping by now...if not will be panda/dreamer for the whole day...such an important day to waste on dreaming XD) but I jus woke up 9 hours ago....

And sad to say, my sleep time has been insanely irregular nowadays. I dowan to sleep at late midnight....hope I can re-regulate my sleep time. Wish me Luck on this guys.

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